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Table of content:

Poker is a simple game, but the complex poker terms such as blinds and

ante, dealer, big blind 👌 and small blind can be a bit challenging for complete

beginners. Therefore, in this post, we have answered the question 👌 of what is a blind in

poker. Additionally, we have covered the meaning of the terms of dealer, big blind 👌 and

small blind or poker dealer, big blind and small blind along with the big blind rules

and dealer, big 👌 blind and small blind order.

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On any table of poker, dealer, big blind 👌 and

small blind or small blind, big blind and dealer are the three most important

positions. Relative to this, in 👌 poker the dealer is the player who has the dealer

button. Based on the dealer, big blind and small blind 👌 positions are determined. Vital

to this, when it comes to the dealer, big blind and small blind in poker or 👌 small

blind, big blind and dealer, the dealer button and blinds generally move clockwise

around the table after every hand. 👌 This way, every player at the table gets a fair

chance to play from the poker dealer, big blind and 👌 small blind positions.

When it

comes to what is a blind in poker, in Texas Holdem, the small blind and big 👌 blind or

poker dealer, big blind and small blind are basically forced bets. These bets are

posted by the first 👌 two players sitting to the left of the dealer. In Texas Holdem,

small blind and big blind are the two 👌 major blinds:

Texas Holdem small blind – The

first player sitting to the left of the dealer is small blind who 👌 posts the Texas

Holdem small blind. As per the blind poker rules or big blind and small blind rules, in

👌 Texas Holdem, the small blind is usually half the size of the Texas Holdem blind that

is big.

– The first 👌 player sitting to the left of the dealer is small blind who posts

the Texas Holdem small blind. As per 👌 the blind poker rules or big blind and small blind

rules, in Texas Holdem, the small blind is usually half 👌 the size of the Texas Holdem

blind that is big. Dealer and big blind – The second player to the 👌 left of the dealer

is big blind who posts the big blind. As per the blind poker rules, big blind 👌 rules or

big blind and small blind rules, in Texas Holdem small blind and big blind or simply

big blind 👌 is double the size of the Texas Holdem small blind.

Now, let us understand

the concept behind what is a blind 👌 in poker, Texas Holdem small blind and big blind or

small blind, big blind and dealer better with the help 👌 of a short example:

Let’s assume

you are playing a game with Rs500/Rs1000 Texas Holdem blinds or Texas Holdem small

blind 👌 and big blinds. Herein, as per the blind poker rules, big blind rules and big

blind and small blind rules, 👌 the amount of the Texas Holdem small blind will be Rs500.

On the contrary, as per the blind poker rules 👌 or big blind rules the amount of the

dealer big blind will be Rs1000.

As per the blind poker rules, big 👌 blind rules and big

blind and small blind rules, in Texas Holdem, blinds or precisely Texas Holdem small

blind and 👌 big blind are called blind bets because they are posted before any cards are

dealt. In Texas Holdem, small blind 👌 which is decided based on dealer button and blind

i.e., big are put to trigger the action in a hand.

In 👌 community card games, the dealer,

big blind and small blind order is rather straight-forward. As per the blind poker

rules, 👌 big blind rules or big blind and small blind rules, during the pre-flop round

the player acting first is the 👌 one with the dealer button and blinds act last.

Basically, in the preflop round of Texas Holdem, the small blind 👌 and big blind act

second last and last respectively. On the contrary, as per the blind poker rules, big

blind 👌 rules or big blind and small blind rules, the dealer, big blind and small blind

order completely reverses during the 👌 post-flop. In the post-flop rounds of Texas

Holdem, the small blind acts first followed by the big blind, the dealer 👌 then generally

acts last.

Now that we are talking about what is a blind in poker it is important for

you 👌 to understand that in poker, blinds and ante are both forced bets. However, when it

comes to blinds and ante, 👌 as per the blind poker rules or big blind and small blind

rules. While in Texas Holdem, the blinds or 👌 precisely the Texas Holdem small blind and

big blind are placed by only the players who are in the Texas 👌 Holdem small blind or

Texas Holdem small blind and big blind position. The ante bet out of the blinds and

👌 ante is usually posted by all the players at the table.

Also Read

The small big blind

dealer is placed is placed 👌 by the player to the left of the blind poker dealer's

button. And then the big blind dealer is posted 👌 be the next player to the left. The

only exception is seen in the case of two players i.e. a 👌 heads-up game. This is when

the player on the button is the small blind and the other player is the 👌 big blind. This

is the dealer small blind big blind order. Now you can easily spot dealer big small

blind 👌 in poker.

We assume by now you must have got the answer to the question what is a

blind in poker 👌 and understood the meaning of the terms – blinds and ante, poker dealer,

big blind and small blind. Along with 👌 the dealer, big blind and small blind order and

big blind rules or big blind and small blind rules relative 👌 to the dealer button and


Now, if you are looking to play a game of Texas Holdem with small blind 👌 and big

blind bets then just register on the GetMega Poker app and start playing poker


GetMega is an amazing 👌 platform that lets you play Hold'em Poker with friends &

family with real money. Sounds fun, isn't it? Download the 👌 GetMega Hold 'em Poker now!

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