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Joseph Cloutier 4.5 481,347 votes

Run 3 is an endless runner game where you need to

navigate your little alien through ♣ space. Run 3 was created by Joseph Cloutier and is

the third installment in the Run game series. Run 3 ♣ is now available in HTML5, so you

can play without Flash support. You can play the online game for free ♣ on your PC.


mission is simple: run as far as you can and don’t fall! Avoid falling tiles, holes,

traps, ♣ and more as you move from level to level. If you bump into the walls, the screen

will rotate. This ♣ intense action and endless runner game sends you on a terrifying

journey through a highly restricted area. You must guide ♣ the little grey alien as it

traverses constantly evolving territories. Move along any wall to find the safest route

and ♣ find out how long you can survive!

How to play Run 3?

Arrows to move

Space or Up

arrow to jump

R to reset

P ♣ to pause the game

Can I play run 3 without Flash?

Yes, the

original Run 3 game can be played on Poki ♣ without Flash. So there is no flash needed to

play on the PC, mobile phone and tablet!

Who created Run 3?

Run ♣ 3 is created by Joseph

Cloutier, based in the USA. He is also the creator of run and run-2. Run ♣ 3 is amongst

the most Popular Games on Poki, together with other web classics like happy-wheels.

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