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A Caixa Econômica Federal sorteia, na noite deste sábado

(25/6), 💸 sete loterias: os concursos 2494 da Mega-Sena; o número 5 da +Milionária; o

2556 da Lotofácil; 2383 da Dupla Sena; 💸 o 1800 da Timemania e o 621 do Dia da Sorte.

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(crédito: Reprodução/Loterias Caixa)

A Caixa Econômica Federal

sorteou, na noite desta quarta-feira (18/5), qcinco loterias: os concursos 5856 da

Quina; o 🍎 2524 da Lotofácil; o 2482 da Mega-Sena; o 2314 da Lotomania e o 245 do Super

Sete. O sorteio foi 🍎 realizado no Espaço Caixa Loterias, no novo Espaço da Sorte, na

The program ‘Pega a Visão’ is broadcast on the Band in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday mornings. Those who can't 🧬 keep up with the TV show can check out the full attraction on Band Rio's YouTube channel. The premiere took 🧬 place on July 10 and was attended by guests and lasted 15 minutes.

“Initially, we wanted a program talking only about 🧬 betting. But, we ended up doing Pega a Visão as an introduction to the games, presenting information about teams, absences, 🧬 lineups and each participant giving their guess about the outcome of the game. And, I invite you to follow the 🧬 Masterbet on Youtube, where we really bet,” detailed tipster and presenter Fernando Verchai.

With plans to air 'Pega a Visão' on 🧬 national television in the future, Verchai stressed that the content of the two attractions complement each other, so much so 🧬 that they share the same main sponsor.

“PIXBET appears in the middle of the ‘Pega a Visão’ program because it is 🧬 the master sponsor and we present the message to the public normally. In Masterbet, we even open the PIXBET screen 🧬 on the big screen and it's very clear. The person clicks on the market, can see the ODDS and bets,” 🧬 he highlighted.

In the words of the tipster, ‘Pega Visão’ introduces the sports theme and/or event and Masterbet presents the bet 🧬 itself. Considered the first sports betting reality in Brazil, the Masterbet is recorded at Band's studios, but shown on its 🧬 own YouTube channel.

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